Does online earning really makes you money?

Friday, October 23, 2009 |

How many of you out there are totally debt free? Besides your house loan and probably car loan, who is totally free from debts?

I, for one, have not only my home loan to worry about.

Due to my extravagant nature and bad money management, I have amounted a debt of almost 100,000 dollars. (Which I am not proud of.) Only when I was about to get married then it dawned on me that I have no savings at all, and also in debt to my credit cards and cash lines. How am I even able to provide for my family, when I cannot even help myself.

So I decided to stop all my spending, or rather was forced to stop, and started to think of ways to hopefully make some extra cash to start my road to paying up my debts. I then heard of online earning and affilate marketing.

I was desperate enough to try anything, so I signed up with one to see if it works. Turn out not to be what I expected. I was sucked in by all the pretty words and pictures of making so much money a day and how I could be on my way to financial freedom. I was told that there will be step by step instructions that will help me to start earning almost immediately. What it did was to make me part with a sign fee and a thank you, 2 months down I still was not making a single cent.

I was really disappointed. But then, being as stubborn as I am, I kept looking out for such online earning sites, and every time when I signed up, I was left feeling more and more disappointed.

But I don't know it is good to be stubborn or just plain luck when I was going through, yes.. again, all this sites when I saw this particular website. What made me more interested was the person in the site. ( )

A local, Singaporean, having almost the same problems with most of us, just trying to get by with fixed salary and finding it hard to cope. The person talked about a online site that he was using and has actually worked for him.

I was thinking, at least it is not some foreign site and I could always email the person for help, or maybe it just a feeling that was closer to home and common problems that made me give it a try. ( )

To get to the point. What ever they promised to help me do in the site, they have stood by their word. Step by step instructions on how to get started, even down to the F&Q I have for them, they have replied every single one of my email.

I have started earning online now, and I am happy it is helping me out with what salary I earn. One thing I must clarify though, it is not the thousands of dollars that you will make in 1 day like many other sites promised. But there is still extra income coming in. And it all adds up at the end of the month.

Now slowly but surely, I am recovering and hope to pay up my debts soon, but most importantly, it has free up funds for me to provide for my family.

I am not selling this site for this person, anyway people here are not so gullible. I just want to share my experience and if there are those who are in the same situation as I am, can just have a read, , it is free to just read.

Enjoy. CK



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