Californian rabbit

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 |


The Californian rabbit has erect ears and is moderate in size, weighing around 7 to 10 pounds (3.5 to 4.75 kilograms). The original coloration of this breed was very similar to the Himalayan rabbit, with a predominantly white body and black on the feet, nose, ears and tail. They have pink eyes.

Feed and housing

Commercial rabbit pellets are often recommended, though this is a disputed claim amongst rabbit rescue shelters and commercial breeders. Pellets are high in fat, which will render a fatter rabbit, but is not a healthy choice for longevity concerns.) Feed 1/2 cup of pellets per 5 pounds of body weight every day. Ensure a steady supply of fresh water or the rabbit may not eat the feed ration. For rabbits under 8 months of age, feed unlimited plain alfalfa pellets. House rabbits may be fed 2 cups of fresh rinsed greens, vegetables (stay away from greens high in iron) should be given daily, and fresh fruit sparingly. Free choice hay, such as timothy-grass, should be unlimited and changed daily. Alfalfa hay should not be offered free choice to rabbits over 8 months of age because it is too rich in calcium.

Many rabbits do very well in the home. They can be litter box trained and are quite fastidious groomers. Be aware that rabbits love to chew so make sure all wires are safely hidden or in protective plastic covers and understand that some of your furniture, books and baseboards may be nibbled. They can be contained in an exercise pen to prevent damage to your house. If you choose to cage your rabbit, make sure the cage is at least 2 feet by 2 feet by 4 feet. If the cage has a wire bottom make certain you give the rabbit a plank or sea grass mats to stand on so his feet won’t get damaged from being on the wire all the time. Provide a hide box or shelter and plenty of straw for bedding.

Californians are an excellent meat rabbit breed. They produce large litters of 8-12 kits, which have a fast growth rate to fryer size (4-5lbs)in 8-12 weeks. Californians are a breed developed for show and commercial purposes. They do not always make the best pets for small children. They are very strong, and can be dangerous.

Common diseases and disorders

As with other rabbits, Californians do not do well in high or low temperatures. They are prone to hairball obstructions and matted coats if not cared for properly. When the rabbit is molting, dead hair can be removed with a slicker brush. Other health concerns include ear mites, Pasteurella, respiratory disease, dental problems, urinary bladder stones and fractured backs. Be quick to notice any changes in diet or litter box habits and contact a rabbit veterinarian immediately. The average life span of a breeding Californian rabbit is 5 to 10 years. By spaying or neutering early in life, you can increase their life expectancy to around 10 years.


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