Shilpa Shetty with her Cat "SIMBA"

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 |

Shilpa Shetty just lost her pet cat of twelve years Simba. And she's struggling to deal with the loss.

"It's very hard for those who don't have pets to understand what losing one means.

People have been insensitive enough to actually laugh when I say I lost a dear member of my family. We have several cats in our home. But each one is special."

Simba didn't suffer

The family did not inform Shlipa about the loss because she was shooting in Kuala Lumpur last week. She only learnt about his passing away after she reached home, "The good part is that Simba didn't have to suffer.

Some time ago, he had a renal failure and was in a lot of pain. This time, he went peacefully... In any case cats live for 16-18 years maximum . He went in 12 years."


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